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America and Communism

I was in a Twitter conversation yesterday with some folks… This is the tweet that started the whole thread: — real tankie hours (@tankietakes) June 22, 2017 The fact that the guy flip-flopped his stance to agree with someone else is what caught my attention…lol. Either he flip-flopped, or he has no clue that […]

Natural causes?

The scene is set. Mid April, 1775. The British had been routed at Lexington and Concord by colonial militia. The British regulars, initially, had the upper hand against the colonists but as the engagement went on, colonists descended on the area and the British turned and made their way back towards Boston under heavy harassment.

Happy 4th of July!

Today we celebrate the adoption of a document that was to become one of the most monumental entries in human history…The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America. Something like that isn’t just a spur of the moment decision. This document listed grievances. All of which had previously been brought before the British Legislature and had returned […]