If you have been following this story, it is obvious that Ben and his family were definitely getting the short end of the stick. This story is an analogy…an analogy on the situation happening over in Israel.

Ben and his family represent the Jewish people. Waaaaay back during the early part of the last century, the Jews were getting a raw deal by some ugly folks. We read about these ugly folks in the history books and generally agree that they were evil. Yet the attitude towards the Jews by a lot of people is getting closer and closer to that of Nazi Germany circa 1938. And the attitude of the rest of the world in general is that of the rest of the world in 1938 in as much as, “as long as it’s not us, I’m happy.”

1939 saw the extermination of the Jews but it was denied by the rest of the world until around 1944. By the time the rest of the world decided to do something in defense of the Jewish people, millions had been exterminated. Are we seeing history repeating itself? Not exactly but could it be just as bad? Yes.

Today, Israel has learned to fight…and fight well. Israel became a country again (a prophecy foretold in scripture by the way) in 1948. Since then, it has been one battle after another. 1967 saw three nations attack Israel at the same time. Israel beat them soundly in six days, then were criticized for being too rough on them.

God’s people have been a popular target throughout recorded history. We see it with Christians in our country…to a lesser degree to be sure, but we see it. Those that are not God’s children have always had a natural animosity towards those that are.

The animosity shown by the Arab nations toward Israel has been going on since around 1900BC when two half-brothers began hating each other. One son and his mother were kicked out of the house by his father Abraham and his descendants have never forgotten it. Can you believe that all this started with a guy going to bed with a woman that wasn’t his wife?

Sam, of course, is representing the Palestinian people. They are caught in the middle in this whole deal. They were folks that have been taken in by the Israeli people when their own people threw them by the wayside. They are basically refugees squatting on land that was the result of gains made in the six-days war. The Arab nations are using this land and the Palestinian people as another way to cause problems for Israel. The whole ‘return the land to the Palestinians’ is just a bunch of hogwash…Let’s be clear, Palestine was never a country. How can they say to ‘return’ something to someone that never owned it to begin with?

John, the chief of police is representing the United States Secretary of State…or the President…take your pick. They go over there and try to dictate to Benjamin Netanyahu what he is going to do in regards to Israel’s borders, Israel’s military, Israel’s people. Where does the United States get off trying to dictate things to another sovereign nation about what it does inside it’s sovereign borders? The United States, in the form of the President and Secretary of State, is getting too big for it’s britches.

Maybe it’s simply a case of great power being wielded by mental midgets…at least I hope that is all it is. If it is not ignorance, it is malevolence…I don’t know which is worse.

Anyway, before you take sides on this whole thing, do you homework…learn your history.

Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.
– George Santayana