Yesterday, on Twitter, Jesse Kelly was asked a question. I thought that his answer to that question was well said.

More and more nowadays, we hear folks say, “don’t judge me.” Or, “you can’t judge me.” And my thought is, “why not?”

Folks use the following scripture alot in regards to not judging.

Do not judge so that you will not be judged.
Matthew 7:1 NASB

Now, this scripture is a deep concept. It’s alot like the ‘golden rule’: do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

In everything, therefore, treat people the same way you want them to treat you, for this is the Law and the Prophets.
Matthew 7:12 NASB

It cannot mean ‘do not do this at all’ or we would never be able to associate with another person in any way or we would be going against scripture. When you say, “good morning!” to someone, you are treating them in a certain way. In this case, it happens to be good.

So what DID Jesus mean when He said it?

We judge people all the time. Everyone does it. When you walk by someone on the street that smiles or waves, you make a judgment about them. The result of judgment, in this case, is that they seem to you to be a nice person. So you return the smile or the wave.

Judging, in and of itself, is not a bad thing. Matter of fact, it is a prudent thing to do. It is not a sin. You know how I KNOW it is not a sin to judge someone? Because God does it.

Can anyone teach God knowledge, In that He judges those on high?
Job 21:22 NASB

Fact: If God does it, it cannot be sin.

HOW we judge however, may or may not be a sin. Judgment is like a gun. It is just a tool. How we use it determines right or wrong.

Do not judge according to appearance, but judge with righteous judgment.”
John 7:24 NASB

That verse tells us to do it properly. If judging, in and of itself, were wrong, Jesus Himself would not suggest we do it at all. That verse is one that is very relevant in the current discussions (not that any other verse is less relevant…lol.) Jesse’s tweet summed up with this verse I think.

You and I are going to be judged on a regular basis. Our words and actions should be the deciding factor in the result of said judgments. It reminds me of the scenes in the movie A Knight’s Tale.

“You have been weighed. You have been measured. And you have absolutely been found wanting.” lol…I love this.

When I hear someone say, “don’t judge me.”, it lets me know that THEY feel that their words and deeds will not bring a judgment that they will like. So they would just as soon try to keep the judgment from happening to begin with. The judgment is going to happen either way, but they are just hoping you won’t actually voice what they already know to be the case. Ignorance is bliss?

YOU have EVERYTHING to do with the result when someone uses righteous judgment toward you.

Are people going to judge you UNrighteously? Yes. Are some people going to judge you by your appearance? Yes. Are some people going to judge you by the color of your skin? Yes. You have to understand though that, when they do this, it is a reflection on them and not on you.

In Matthew 7:1 Jesus is saying that, in whatever manner that you judge, you will be judged likewise in the same manner. Consequences. Consequences are something that people nowadays don’t like to think about. They want to be able to do as they please without the consequences biting them in the butt.

Jesse ended his statement with “And we in turn will not be judged or lectured because of our skin color.” He was not telling his sons that they will not be judged. They will be judged. UNrighteous judgement will happen. It is the world we live in. But the only judgment that matters is the righteous judgment.

It is perfectly fine with me to be weighed. It is fine with me to be measured. If I am found wanting though, it is up to me to fix that. I have to be found wanting by a set standard of law though, not someone’s opinion. If a judgment is made of me, and it is not a judgment based on some sort of lawful standard, that judgment will not matter.

Y’all keep the faith and keep a round in the chamber…