Did I get your attention?…lol…sometimes I try to be like a real blogger. It wasn’t long ago when I finally asked my daughter what ‘SMH’ meant (I don’t text if I can avoid it.)

People have mixed opinions of bloggers. Some people think a blogger is someone who tries to write and influence people in political areas. Others think bloggers all write about cooking or sewing. There are many different things that people think of when they hear the term ‘blogger’…and they are all right…lol.

I was hesitant to start blogging. One of my criticisms of folks nowadays is that they assume that everyone cares about their opinions or what they have to say. There are people that it is destructive to their psyche when they get feedback that doesn’t agree with their outlook…or the realization hits them that not everyone cares about what they have to say.

People are more narcissistic than they used to be. I have my theories as to why this is so but if I were to voice those theories, it might hurt tender feelings…lol.

A friend of mine encouraged me to publish a blog because there just may be someone out there that could get benefit out of it. Wow. What if something I had to say effected someone in a positive way? I may never even know it happened!

10153951_10201483585365737_5795266712868987488_nJay Platt is the friend that encouraged me to. I mentioned Jay before in another post. He is a retired Marine Gunnery Sergeant, motivational speaker and world-renowned author. Go check him out! Mr. Unstoppable! (when ya say ‘Mr. Unstoppable!’ ya just can’t NOT follow it with and exclamation point…lol.)

I enjoy the writing. If it sparks discussion, that is when I really enjoy it. If nobody ever reads it? Well, that’s ok too.

gerreI have a another friend (I know! Whodathunk I had TWO friends!) who is a retiree, musical genius and all around great guy. Gerre was copying articles he wrote for the local small town newspaper (I hope folks in Decatur are not offended by my saying that…lol) and posting them to facebook. I messaged him and told him that that stuff would make great content for a blog and would archive it neatly in one place. He said he had though about that but figured it was too expensive.

Once I showed him how inexpensive it was, he jumped on it and became one of those ‘blogger’ types. He writes mostly about the enjoyable mornings at the local Whataburger drinking coffee with the guys (I think he makes some of it up though.)

You don’t have to know how to code webpages or anything. If you can start, write and send an email, you probably have the skills to publish on a blog with about ten minutes training.

The way the functionality is set up, I can even write to my blog…on my phone…while my wife is in the dressing room at Khol’s trying on clothes…lol. You don’t have to be sitting in front of your computer to do it. If an idea strikes you, pull out your phone, start a draft and type. Finish it later at the house if ya wanna make sure it is laid out well. Adding pictures and such is easier on the computer but just some writing can be done anywhere!

And your blog doesn’t have to all be writing about the same thing. Look at mine, it is all over the place. I may write about something that struck a chord during bible study. The next day, I might write about a historical event that is having an anniversary that day. Today, I’m blogging about blogging…lol. Think about it as a diary that anyone can read!

I linked to both Gerre’s and Jay’s sites above. Maybe Jay will read and enjoy Gerre’s blog and vise versa on account of my blog. I am pretty sure neither of them knew the other existed prior to this…lol.

By the way, feel free to ask any young person that has their head stuck in their phone what ‘SMH’ means. you may just be SMHin’ now and not even know it!

Oh! And don’t forget to come up with that signature tagline!

Y’all stay safe and keep a round in the chamber…